SWARCO offers solutions that improve the environment, traffic flow and traffic safety. We help our customers and partners to design, install, handle and maintain equipment and solutions for traffic and parking.
We require great competence and quality of our 36 employees and our deliveries. The company has been one of the pioneers in the development of advanced traffic systems and LED technology, and we also play an active role in the industry's professional environments such as ITS Norway and NorPark.
Our head office is located in Bryn in Oslo, and we have branch offices in Trondheim and Porsgrunn, in addition we are also available in Bergen and Stavanger.
SWARCO Norge AS is part of the Austrian SWARCO group, founded by Manfred Swarovski in 1969.
Contact Details
Quality and Environment
Quality and environmental focus has always been emphasized both internally and in the solutions provided by SWARCO.