Together we are stronger!
Globalisation, the growing complexity of traffic technology, new business models and digitalisation are factors which make it difficult for companies to continue just on their own. SWARCO therefore has developed a strong network of partnerships to be able to offer the best solutions on the market. The partners we work together with come from different areas:
- Universities
- Research institutes
- Companies from the traffic technology industry
- Automotive industry
- Partners in the context of EU-funded R&D projects
- Industry associations and road safety advocators
- ICT providers
- Standardisation bodies
- Cities and municipalities
- Road authorities
- Media
For us, the dialogue with the different stakeholders is key to innovation and better solutions in road safety and traffic management. You will meet us on the major exhibitions of our industry, in the working groups of standardisation bodies and industry associations, in our SWARCO TRAFFIC WORLD and on various bilateral meeting occasions.
Working together means for us growing together with our partners for our common success.
Here comes a small selection of our cooperation partners:
- Development of the Central ITS Station (Extension of the OMNIA platform), Roadside ITS Station (Hard- and Software)
- Development of the interfaces to ASFINAG TCC and Central to Roadside ITS Station
- Long range and Short range based C-ITS
- IMIS Trailer (ASFINAG)
- Test of Hard- and Software in a real world scenario (installation in Vienna)
- Collaboration among 3 SWARCO Companies
- Design and implementation of the future version/ upgrade of the multimodal Strategy Manager (OMNIA)
- OMNIA/MISTIC merge – scenarios management
- 700K funding for supporting Strategic Projects

- COATEQ BV has been SWARCO's exclusive distribution partner for road marking materials in the Netherlands since 2009.
- Synergies with deployment of ROMA PRATI project
- Strengthen alliance with TomTom as a KV
- Evolution of Traffic Forecasting Module (integration of heterogeneous data sources)

- Developments at Roadside ITS Station level, integrating security aspects, and securing communications with in-vehicle OBU
- Developments at Central ITS Station level, securing communications with Roadside ITS Station and vehicles

- City Dashboard & Data Warehouse
- Shape learning
- Decision Support for PT fleet management
- Smart Ticketing
- First intelligent trailer delivered to ASFINAG
- First trailer delivered with C-ITS functionality in D-A-CH region
- New business model for trailers in Austria introduced

- Smart Traffic Signal for detection of pedestrians at intersection
- Demonstrate solutions in cooperation with OEMs and logistic providers in Austria
- Lighthouse project for Automated driving

- User cases definition using V2X communication technology for connected vehicles of tomorrow
- Collaboration in the reference system for mobile data communication developments (hybrid V2X communication)
- Evaluation of compliance with todays V2X approaches

- Cooperation to harmonize C-ITS deployment across Europe
- C-Roads RSUs installation for V2X testing & deployment
- C-Roads Shockwave Damping development

- Developments on V2X technologies for automated electric vehicles
- Implementation of standard/industry interface for e-mobility to support charge spot remote reservations
- Getting know-how for data security/privacy technologies

- Large scale demonstration of C-ITS applications
- Demonstration of GLOSA use case
- Integration of various controller types in OMNIA

- Strategic Innovation Program Drive Sweden, project KRABAT
- Deploy connected TLCs and supply TLA services
- Test sites for the OEMs
- TLA services for drivers and test cases of autonomous driving
- Large scale demonstration of IoT applications
- Development of safety related use cases for elderly drivers

NordicWAY 2
- Connecting Europe Facility, CEF funded
- Deploy I2X C-ITS day 1 and day 1,5 services
- Connected TLCs and TLA (Drive Sweden KRABAT)
- Traffic signal priority