Emissions Prognoses For Traffic Management

TERM offers analysis functions for the assessment of emission conditions in certain traffic locations. These analysis functions will predict the quality of traffic control measures in regard to its emission reducing effect up to 36 hours in advance. On a strategic level, the prognosis function is utilized most sufficiently when traffic is distributed in an environmentally oriented manner. Planned reduction of traffic volume in critical areas delays the accumulation of air pollutants during inclement weather.
TERM requires the meteorological and traffic parameters as well as the determined air pollutant concentration in the forecast area to conduct an emission prognosis. This is accomplished by setting up a compact emission measuring station featuring O3, NO, NO2, PM10 sensors as well as weather sensors in each forecast area. Based on these facts we produce targeted and accurate prognoses of specific weather parameters in the forecast area in collaboration with our partner Meteomedia AG. The necessary traffic prognoses may be obtained from existing intersection control devices and/or VMZ, or from historical hydrographs.
Following a training phase with all data, the system is able to provide emission prognoses for NO2 and PM10, offer strategic navigation recommendations and conduct simulations that may be configured individually. The ramifications of traffic measures regarding the emission conditions during certain weather situations can be calculated by selecting random traffic density hydrographs at all of the hotspots. After a traffic measure has been activated, an impact analyses to establish the effect.
In combination with SWARCO's control procedures, the effect of the emission prognoses system is optimal. With the use of the OCIT-interface it may be utilized independent of the manufacturer on tactical and strategic levels. Strategic recommendations regarding traffic distribution are transmitted directly to the strategy-computer. During the activation phase of the measures, TERM collects information with regard to the relevant emission impact of the control option.
- PC for TERM-server-software (TERM-client browser-application)
- High-precision compact emissions measuring station with NO-, NO2- and PM10-sensors (optional O3)
- Durable base-weather station with heated pluviometer
- Communication-components in emission-measuring-stations, weather stations and control devices