Peek Traffic GreenFlow
Smart Mobility priority services

Priority services
Urban areas are becoming increasingly busy. The number of road users is on the rise, which can cause congestion and unsafe traffic situations. With smart technologies, road authorities are given the opportunity to prioritize specific road users at specific intersections and corridors and give them priority if needed. This creates an optimal and safe traffic flow.
Sustainable and safe traffic
Individual vehicles are linked to smart traffic lights through Peek Traffic GreenFlow, our Smart Mobility priority service. Road users immediately receive information about the traffic light they are approaching. Specific target groups can even be given priority. This prioritization is arranged through intelligent systems on board individual vehicles in combination with intelligent traffic control systems (iTLCs), an ITS application and a platform that connects vehicles to the traffic control system. Vehicles submit a priority request through this platform. This request is then validated and given a priority level.
The priority algorithm processes the priority request, using the total circulation of vehicles and any other priority requests. The driver receives feedback on the result of the priority request and obtains information about the traffic lights they are approaching, such as time-to-red, time-to-green, or a speed advice to ensure that they can drive through the green light without stopping. This technology is a very innovative instrument to many cities, municipalities and provinces and offers many possibilities for implementing traffic policy, while stimulating a safe and fast traffic flow. In addition, our priority services have specific applications for specific road users.
Always a green light for emergency services
Emergency vehicles need to arrive at their destination as soon as possible. Every second counts. Using flashing lights and wailing sirens does help to move faster. Unfortunately, emergency vehicles are still regularly involved in accidents. Most common accidents occur at intersections while driving through a red light. Accidents which could have been prevented when the traffic light would be green.
Our priority system Peek Traffic GreenFlow for BlueLights allows emergency services to automatically receive a green light at the intersections they approach. Priority vehicles that use blue flashing lights communicate with the traffic lights on the route with an application on board. The vehicle is recognized as a priority vehicle and is given priority on request so that they can cross an intersection without hindrance.
Priority public transport services
The same platform that regulates traffic and prioritizes emergency services, also gives priority to public transport vehicles like buses. The bus driver receives information about time-to-red, time-to-green, and a speed advice. Priority can be given on the basis of the occupancy rate and arrival time of the bus, but also on the basis of the battery consumption of an electric bus. GreenFlow for Public Transport hereby optimizes the service, as less stopping and starting costs mean lower battery consumption.
More sustainable transport with priority services for trucks
Road authorities can use the priority services to allow heavy freight traffic to move more smoothly through urban areas or to provide an alternative route. Our priority service Peek Traffic GreenFlow for Trucks is also useful for transportation companies. Drivers receive information that enables them to adjust their driving behavior and even allows the light to stay green for longer. As trucks stop and accelerate less, a smoother flow is created, reducing fuel consumption. Each prevented stop can save between 0.5 to 1.5 liters of gas, depending on the weight and type of the vehicle. This also significantly reduces CO2 emissions. Additionally, fewer stops mean less time lost and a better estimate of the expected arrival time.
The advantages at a glance
- Option to give priority to specific road users in specific places
- Safe crossing for emergency vehicles
- Increase attractiveness of public transport by improving reliability and reducing travel times
- Reduce environmental footprint of trucks
- One technical platform for road traffic regulation and prioritization of pedestrians, cyclists, trucks, public transport, and emergency vehicles
- Safe, simple, and easy to use

Peek Traffic GreenFlow for Trucks

Peek Traffic GreenFlow for Blue Lights