The technology that helps you
avoid searching for a place to park
If you drive into a larger city or town and need somewhere to park, you obviously want a convenient parking space close to your destination. Parking Guidance from SWARCO can help you. You will be guided directly to the most optimal parking spot, regardless of whether you park at a park-and-ride or in the city center.
How parking guidance works
Camera-based solutions and sensors detect whether there are available parking spaces, for both indoor and outdoor parking. The information is sent wirelessly to apps, to physical signs along the road and to other devices so you can find parking in the most efficient way. SWARCO also collaborates with car manufacturers to get information about available spots directly into the car.
In the near future, parking can be even more convenient. At the ITS World Congress in Copenhagen last autumn, SWARCO and Audi presented a new parking solution together. In the demo area, the driver stepped out of the car at the entrance of the parking area, and then the car parked itself. When the driver wanted the car back, he just used an app.
“The pilot projects are done on a small scale now,” emphasizes the Managing Director at SWARCO Norge AS, Ørjan Hegg. - But the technology is highly accessible.

Hegg explains that the new technology is both useful and environmentally friendly, and will at the same time create advantages for car manufacturers in the future:
- Car producers must differentiate themselves in the market. We believe that premium cars offering this type of comprehensive service might be rolled out within a couple of years. Parking Guidance, however, is ready for implementation in Norway already today, he adds.
Other European cities are more ahead
SWARCO, which has delivered more than 95% of the traffic lights in Norway, also has long international experience in traffic regulation and parking, including City Guidance.
“- The service is more common in other European countries, such as Germany; Norway however is a little behind”, Hegg explains.
Environmental improvements needed
- Urbanization and a need for environmental improvement raise the importance of streamlining traffic flow in and between cities. He refers to a survey done over years that shows that approximately 30% of all urban driving in some cities and city areas are just people searching for a place to park:
“- It’s obvious that we can reduce the bad environmental impact if motorists in urban areas are guided to the most convenient parking space.”

“Parking Guidance has a positive environmental impact in urban areas”
- Ørjan Hegg, Managing Director, SWARCO Norge AS
Want to know more about our parking guidance solutions?
Watch the original article in Teknisk Ukeblad, 06-2019 (Norwegian):