Transparity® SPM
Reports meet and exceed insights available within the Open Source SPM solution

Transparity® Signal Performance Measures (SPM) reports meet and exceed insights available within the Open Source SPM solution. The latest version of the Transparity SPM reports deliver significant advancements in the user experience, decision making, security, and extensibility needed to implement effective signal timing improvements.
Each of the reports provide interactive charts (which enable users to zoom into chart data for deeper analysis of specific events and/or time frames without resetting chart parameters) and the ability to compare two different sets of data (intersection, date/time approach, etc.). Additionally, the reports combine several relevant signal performance measures, which empowers signal timing decisions.
- Zoom and scroll through large data sets
- Produce options for visualizing and controlling complexity of information and statistics
- Compare real-time performance against historical averages or selected date/times
- Visual display of signal controller logs and vehicle count detection
- Provide web-based reporting solution deployed on agency owned resources
- Allow reports and data to display without and internet connection
Controller Events List Report
Provides users with the ability to review high resolution event data chronologically.
Phase Split Monitor Report
Combines the Phase Termination, Split Duration, Pedestrian Service/Delay, Split Failure, and Green Occupancy Ratio (GOR)/Red Occupancy Ratio (ROR) % performance measures in a single report in order to empower signal timing decisions.
Phase Arrivals Report
Compares the volume of vehicles approaching the green interval vs the red interval of select phases. This report provides the total approach volume, Arrival on Green % and area chart to illustrate arrivals on green vs red for each cycle. This is a key report in analyzing the performance of synchronized modes of operation (i.e. Coordination, Adpative, or Peer-to-Peer synchronization).
Phase Idle Time Report
Illustrates the wait time experienced by the first vehicle to arrive on red before service of the green interval.
Purdue Coordination Diagram Report
Plots vehicle arrivals against phase state (green, yellow, or red) as well as the vehicles per hour of the approach. The report includes Arrival on Green %, bandwidth efficiency % (percentage of the cycle that was green for the given approach), and Platoon Ratio.
Preemption Details Report
Plots the times of preempt requests, preempt service and details pertaining to the preemption operation (including time to service, dwell time, entry delay, end call, call max out, track clear, and gate down).
Turning Movement Counts Report
- Plots the volume of each approach including through movements.
- Users may elect to display the lane volume and/or total volume (all lanes)
Peak Hour Report
- Determines A.M., Midday, and P.M. peak hours.
- Includes peak hour volume, peak hour factor, approach, LOS, intersection LOS
- Signalized Intersections Report
- Controller Groups Details Report
- Channel Details Report