Smart Corridor

Adapt the traffic for your citizens
Get complete flexibility and the possibility to adapt the traffic for the citizens using advanced technology which makes it possible to predict and adapt to changing scenarios in the daily traffic.
Smart Corridor is an adaptive dedicated traffic control solution for co-ordinated signalized corridors. It is a software package that decides optimum cycle length for a whole corridor and supports individual junctions with the cycle split estimation. With the Smart Corridor the cycle change and split are applied gradually in order to always maintain the coordination path.
The rule can also deal with another intersection some distance away which shall run a different cycle length at some point of the cycle change transition.

Key Benefits
traffic data

Benefits for your City
Complete Control
Complete control of a network of intersections with an intercom system
Optimize Green Times
Optimize green time and coordination in every single intersection
Gathering traffic data
Gathering traffic data inside and outside of the system
Customized Systems
Every system is customized, but can be changed or optimized if needed