Management and Maintenance of Highway Systems

Snelwegsystemen, zoals matrixsignaalgevers, rijstrooksignalering, tunnelsystemen en wegkantstations, zorgen voor een optimale en veilige doorstroom op de Nederlandse snelwegen. Al jaren is Dynniq actief in het aanleggen, beheren en onderhouden van snelwegsystemen. Bovendien gebruiken we onze ruime ervaring om klanten te adviseren over het gebruik en onderhoud van diverse snelwegsystemen.

Prevent problems with preventive maintenance

We find it important that systems last as long as possible. Through preventive maintenance on site, we identify potential problems at an early stage. We literally look 'inside the closet' to see if everything is still working properly, if there are any undesirable inhabitants, such as mice, and if there is any damage or wear. Beforehand we log into the systems remotely, for example to check the status of the loops. If necessary, we can then pay extra attention to the loop measurement circuit and the cause of the faults during the maintenance round. In this way, we prevent failures of the entire system due to imperceptible failures.

In addition, we use the measurements and analyses we make on site to advise on the replacement of materials or to proactively replace our own components. We use those same measurements and analyses to prevent or resolve failures.


If a malfunction does occur, we will solve it according to the agreements in the Service Level Agreement. Our Service Desk can be used to report faults and ask questions about the use of the freeway systems. A malfunction is then passed on to one of our field engineers. He or she first logs in remotely to find out whether the same behavior is observed in the system.

If necessary, additional information is requested to determine the cause of the malfunction. Then the malfunction is solved remotely or on-site. This enables us to switch quickly and keep the turnaround time short. Through our Service Desk the status of the malfunction handling and the performed activities can be retrieved.