Parking management made easy. Devices and systems.
SWARCO has long-standing experience in the field of modern parking management and can help cities make their transportation system more efficient and improve overall quality of life for their citizens.
Smart, stress-free and eco-friendly.
Modern parking solutions from SWARCO address the entire user journey starting from home through the journey to the users' destination and back again. The combined solution allows users to plan, reserve and even pay for parking before departure, have access to guidance along the way, find and access the parking area and find a free spot. When the driver is ready to return, they will find it easy to pay and exit the parking area.
With our tailor-made solutions we utilise technology for detection, communication and management to reduce congestion, make parking stress-free and convenient as well as enable parking operators to control and secure their revenues. With the digitalisation of technology, organisation and payment, we will create outstanding convenience for city authorities, car park operators and their customers.