Holistic, modular parking space and eMobility solutions from a single source
This is SWARCO's strength
SWARCO is the partner of companies in the fields of "fleet management" and "charging of employee vehicles", i.e. operation and billing of internal as well as external charging processes. With SWARCO's backend and the appropriate charging infrastructure, all requirements related to electromobility can be met from one source. SWARCO promises 24/7 availability of charging services, including call center support for end customer or employee queries. A network of certified sensor and charging station suppliers as well as 250 highly qualified service technicians are available in Germany alone.
More and more employees in companies are opting for electric cars and company fleets are becoming increasingly electrified. The social commitment to environmental protection, lower fuel and maintenance costs, tax advantages and the threat of driving bans are driving this trend. The prerequisite for the smooth operation of electric fleets is a charging infrastructure that conforms to calibration law, integration and control via a backend and, in the case of larger installations, load management to avoid peak loads. This backend is also used by the human resources department to map the pecuniary advantage when charging employee vehicles. With SWARCO's backend, many partners already work in a network and can thus organize the billing of their private and commercial users on a supra-regional basis.
SWARCO's charging stations and the charging management solution meet the requirements of the German calibration law and thus the prerequisites for billing. The SWARCO backend can map and make available a wide variety of access, tariff and roaming models for customers. SWARCO advises customers on the creation of their own billing models. Charging stations of other manufacturers can also be integrated, provided they support the OCPP 1.6 interface protocol. SWARCO offers its own charging station testing and validation services, thus creating the conditions for charging infrastructure and charge management services to interact in the desired way.
In addition, SWARCO as the market leader of parking guidance systems and parking management solutions in Germany offers solutions for cities, car park operators and companies with their own parking facilities. Avoiding parking and charging traffic is the overriding objective - in this context, parking spaces are increasingly reserved for charging and managed by a booking system for the operator. Via a mobile app, free loading and parking spaces near the destination are found, displayed and, if necessary, billed.
With sensor technology and learning software for parking space recording, the actual availability can be displayed at any time. Especially for parking spaces with charging stations it is important that these are made available again after the charging process. On request, SWARCO displays the available capacities in parking guidance systems and mobile devices/apps to optimize the utilization of car parks and parking spaces as well as charging infrastructure and to reduce the stress caused by long search trips. Via the customer dashboard, parking/loading zones, tariff structures and prices are digitally created and thus made available to the system for processing - as well as reports and other statistical evaluations.
The SWARCO backend is also used to monitor the charging infrastructure in the field. Controlled service calls are based on the online evaluations. The service technicians know what is required at the station before they drive to the site. Software updates for the charging stations are also uploaded via the control centre and the stations are monitored and controlled during operation. Evaluations are provided, both for the company's own controlling as well as for funding agencies and authorities.
Conclusion: Parking space and charging management must be integrated and viewed holistically in order to efficiently design the mobility of the future.